Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Do as I say, not as I do

I believe I've come to a wonderful revelation. Earlier today, while reading a marvelous blog by a wonderful, Christian hippie (yes, they exist), I came upon a Bible verse. "Let love and faithfullness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart." If you weren't to think this came from the Bible you would most likely think to yourself, 'How poetic. What great advice.' So, why do we always get so caught up with things that come from the church, the Bible, God, just because the information originates from these places? Seriously, I've been struggling with simply putting aside the awesome advice from the Bible because it's from the Bible, and I realize, most of the things within the Bible, every one agrees with. Obviously, there are exceptions, but for the most part, there are simple, ethical and moral principles in the Bible that every one agrees with. With that basis, I read throught the verse again and realized that God, when He gives us advice, or correction, isn't just saying it and then turning around and doing exactly what He told you not to do. No, no He does as He says, not the other way around. If this is true, which I believe it is, otherwise He's not a God worth following, then God has love and faithfullness tied around HIS neck and written upon HIS heart. That means that all those times we have felt that God has left us without love, has left us and not been faithful, cannot be true. He does as He says. Wow. That means that there are double the promises in the Bible. See, there are the Bible promises that are outright statements like, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.' But, then there are these things that God tells us to do, and these are promises that He will do them as well because God does not tell us to do something without being a living example for us as well. How cool!

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